Sales Success Orchestrator ™
Sales Symphony’s Sales Success Orchestrator™ is a proven methodology of 25 years that have driven deal sizes from $1mil, $10mil to over $100mil. It is a comprehensive, holistic and systematic approach for entrepreneurs, start-ups and sales professionals to hone their sales skills through the 4S approach.
The 4S methodology (Strategy, Self, System and Service) renders business leaders and professionals a strategic mindset in approaching their business. Applying key business tools like the Business Model Canvas and 7Ps of marketing ensure that businesses cover all aspects of their business plan. Business Strategies should be mooted with a dynamic strategic midterm to long term plan and partnership with customers as well as eco-partners.
Following suit after a sound strategy, execution will be paramount to success. Managing oneself with good time management and personal branding will allow one to serve with efficiency, guided by principles and value system.
Process systems are also critical to ensure that fronting the client with organized professional and impressive presentation materials and delivery skills will ensure that sales objectives are met. For key customers, a system to manage complex accounts will enable the organization to serve them better as well as develop the account dynamically and holistically.
Lastly, the methodology covers the full spectrum of sales engagement from hunting for and uncovering new leads to closing the deal and post customer service. Skills sets of communication, cold calling, questioning techniques aptly used during networking enables the building of rapid rapport and anchor the relationship and communication channel to progress to closing the deal. Finally, with excellent customer service and management, customer’s continuous support provide a sustainable business ecosystem of success.
The overview framework can be tailored from a 2-day, 1-day, half-day and Lunch and Learn sessions, depending on company needs based on topics and the level of sales experience.
For newly onboard sales personnel, it will benefit them to attend an overview of the 12 modules for a 2-day duration and subsequently focus on certain areas of that need deep diving into.
Learning Outcomes for entrepreneurs, sales leaders and professionals are as follows :

Strategic Business and Marketing Plan
- Formulate and foster key eco-system partnerships for industry wins together
- Craft a multi-facet holistic business and marketing strategy mapped with accountable actions and outcome against time targets and results for success
- Personal Branding: Build a distinctive personal branding and trademark of excellence, integrity and professionalism
- Time Optimisation: Productive time management to set right sales priorities, state of body and mind for optimal sales efficiency
- Presentation Skills: Deliver impactful and impressive corporate presentation with confidence, eloquence and clarity, with multi-media, timing and content structure
- Complex Account Management: Penetrate and manage a desired large account with multi-prong approach and groom it into a long term revenue house

- Communication: Communicate effectively with target audience and articulate clearly unique value proposition, evoke the desired response and outcome with amicable approach, even during conflicts, to bring about cordial working and business relationships
- Networking: Able to identify the right target to network with purpose, focus, strategy, authenticity and effectiveness to attract, befriend, establish strong connection and relationship
- Rapport-building: Build quick and deep rapport to be remembered with effective follow up with contacts established for relationship building to advance business process or customer service excellence
- Phone Etiquette: Speak with courtesy, confidence and conviction to leave a lasting impression and derive the objectives of each tele-conversation for success, ranging from lead generation, information gathering and positive customer influence
- Questioning Techniques: Extract critical information through strategic questioning for competitive information, key decisions, pain points and details to structure for strategic win
- Customer Service: Serve customers, both internal and external, in a natural, professional and differentiated manner to leave a lasting impression
- CRM: Foster trusting and lasting customer relationship management for recursive sales