I first met Christina at a Stories-of-Asia SEED Mentor-Mentee Session in September 2023, where she shared valuable insights about her sales experience and her passion for her work. Inspired by her perspective, I reached out again in December when I started an L&D internship. During our conversation, I learned about industry trends and how I could expand my knowledge in the L&D space.
When I discovered that she was hosting a Sales Workshop at NUS Business School this September, I seized the opportunity to reconnect in person, and I’m so glad I did! Over the past year, Christina has consistently offered guidance, helping me identify ways to develop myself and encouraging me to embrace new opportunities. I am truly grateful to have her as a mentor; and she is a tremendous asset to everyone she encounters.

Excellent mentor who gives great clarity regarding career paths. Her vast exposure in the industry and public service gives her the ability to ask directive and yet guiding questions as to career, and giving the advice from a bird’s eye view, such as researching the field, what is needed, my strengths, branding, and more. It was of great help, and wish to have more time for the session.

No doubt, Ms Christina is one of the best entrepreneurs that I have ever met, and she impressed me with her knowledge.

Christina is a renowned LinkedIn coach, celebrated for her expertise in building a strong online presence and establishing valuable sales connections. Her insights have been invaluable to me as a student looking to excel on the platform. Christina’s dedication, engaging content, and exceptional networking skills make her the go-to person for LinkedIn success.

Ms Tan inspires me with her burning passion to help other like-minded individuals excel at sales. Throughout my 4-5 weeks of internship with her, Ms Tan gave me numerous opportunities which constantly challenged me and improved my proficiency in various Sales-related areas (including cold-calling, networking etc.). From learning the fundamentals of Sales theory, to attending real-life client-meetings, Ms Tan structured her internship such that I could fully immerse myself in the Sales world, allowing me to pick up valuable skills and lessons along the way. Even now, after the internship has officially ended, she continues to share tips and information she finds useful to me and the rest of the interns. I am extremely grateful for all the experiences Ms Tan has gifted me. She is truly a great mentor!

Hi! I’m Peter Chong, a graduate of Saint Joseph’s Institution (O-Level Programme), and I worked under Mrs. Christina for around three months.
Working under Mrs. Christina was a highly rewarding experience, as she had a wealth of sales experience and was always willing to share her knowledge with us. For example, I learned that persistence was the key to successful sales, and that one had to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of rejections. Moreover, I also discovered that it was crucial to listen carefully to customers’ needs and develop a clear understanding of their requirements before making a sale. These were all valuable lessons for me, and I soon realised that the skills I learned could be applied in a wide range of different situations beyond the realm of sales.
Furthermore, Mrs. Christina was a joy to work with. Her commitment to her job, her enthusiasm, and her patience were an inspiration to me, and she gave me the confidence to believe that I could do just as well if I worked hard enough. It was with her guidance and support that I was able to gain a better understanding of the inner workings of the working world.
Hence, I would recommend working under Mrs. Christina, even if you aren’t interested in sales. I am certain that you’ll find it a fun and enriching experience!